Friday, May 07, 2010

17 weeks

it ended in a paper cut
on the surface of my mind
tears over what I wish
I could've done differently
even though I knew
there wasn't anything to change

first late nights and near all-nighters
the beginning of the adventure
didn't realize at the time
but it was here when
i found a home, a family
some place to call my own

i fell in love
with life for the first time
with sleepless nights 
with writing poems
with sitting in the sunlight
with singing, everywhere
with everyone around me
with you

these 17 weeks
gave me moments for a lifetime
but i'm still waiting
for a missing piece
and hoping to find it soon

Saturday, May 01, 2010


driven by the potential
all the possibilities
of you and i
we're not together
but you're always in my soul
like a magnet
you draw me in every minute
of every day
to hear your voice
and feel your presence
pains and saddens this
crazy heart of mine

people tell me to let go
and sometimes i know i should
but we've gone too far now
and i don't think i can ever
let your hands go
from mine